Acupuncture is one of the oldest and best-known treatment modalities. Acupuncture is the insertion of small, sterile, stainless steel needles into a patient at precise locations and depths, on various “points” of the body. It affects all major physiological systems and works primarily through the central nervous system. Acupuncture does more than just relieve pain. It increases circulation, releases neurotransmitters and neurohormones (including endorphins), relaxes muscle spasms and stimulates nerves and immune system.
According to Chinese philosophy a body’s health depends on the body’s life energy also called Qi. Qi flows through the body in an interconnected system of channels. If the flow of Qi is smooth, body and mind are optimally nourished and healthy. Stress, poor nutrition, emotional imbalance, trauma, overwork, weather and environmental conditions, genetic factors or disease pathogens can disturb the harmonious flow of Qi and cause disease.
Canine Rehabilitation Therapy
Physical therapy for canines, or canine rehabilitation, adapts human physical therapy techniques to increase function and mobility of joints and muscles in animals. Animal rehabilitation can reduce pain and enhance recovery from injury, surgery, degenerative diseases, age-related diseases, and obesity.
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Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
The common understanding of Chiropractic Care is ‘cracking bones’, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
As veterinarians we go through intensive training in veterinary spinal manipulation therapy. Chiropractic certification requires hundreds of hours of classroom instruction, numerous case studies and completion of a certification exams. We are able to recognize pathology that may cause chiropractic care to be contraindicated. In these cases alternative treatments may be appropriate.
The word Chiropractic is a combination of two Greek words. Cheiros, means hand. Praktikos, means practice. Or some interpretations deem it, “done by hand.”
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Class IV Laser Therapy
The beneficial effects of laser light on tissue were first recognized almost forty years ago. Since then, there have been thousands of studies documenting the positive effects laser light has on different types of cells, tissue, and disorders.
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Class II Laser Therapy
Dentistry and Oral Surgery
The most common disease in pet animals is periodontal disease. In fact, 80% of dogs and cats will have periodontal disease by the age of 3. Periodontal disease can also lead to infections that introduce bacteria into other parts of the body. In other words, bad teeth can lead to a sick animal.Not caring for your pet’s teeth can lead to serious systemic (whole body) infections, and can even result in broken jaws, which sometimes can only be treated by removing the infected portion of the jaw. Diet can contribute to periodontal disease to a certain degree, but genetics are a huge factor, as well as the amount of home care (brushing, specifically) performed. Trauma from chewing objects that are too hard, or wearing down teeth area is another cause of dental disease.
Homeopathy (home-ee-AH-puh-thee) is a branch of medicine which is based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body’s natural defense mechanism. This is in contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine which uses drugs to suppress symptoms (which are the visible result of the body’s attempt to heal itself).
Integrative General Practice
Integrative medicine means different things to different people. At The Whole Pet, integrative medicine means that we treat our patients using the best practices of both conventional (Western) and holistic medicine. Our doctors utilize a variety of conventional diagnostic techniques, technologies and medications, including diagnostic laboratory testing, digital radiographs, general surgery, laproscopic surgery and dentistry. In addition, we incorporate holistic methods such as acupuncture, herbs, manual therapies, natural medications, natural nutritional guidance, modified vaccination protocols, and other practices that promote lifelong wellness.
The goal of holistic medicine is to help the body heal itself, treat the whole body, not just the symptoms, and to provide solutions that are more natural, with less effects. Better food and exercise are part of this way of practicing. Veterinarians who practice complementary medicine generally have additional training and often, special certification in their chosen modalities.
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Laprascopic Spays
Laparoscopic surgery gives veterinarians the ability to perform traditional open surgical procedures in a minimally invasive technique. Laparoscopy (also known as videoscopic surgery) allows for internal structures of the abdomen to be markedly magnified and displayed on a monitor. A camera inserted through a small incision in the abdomen allows for a comprehensive and often more precise examination of abdominal organs.
MBRT – Microbiome Restorative Therapy
Microbiome Restorative Therapy (MBRT) is the act of transplanting gut microorganisms from a healthy animal to a sick one for the purpose of restoring optimal gastrointestinal health.
The procedure is very simple. After some preparation of the GI tract with good nutrition, the donor feces are either given by mouth or via enema rectally, which is very well tolerated.
Massage Therapy
A modality promoting overall well being for your dog while enhancing the human-animal bond Massage therapy for your dog is more than just a luxury. Dogs of all ages can benefit from regular massage.
A/SERT -Allergy Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique
An allergy is an over-reaction of the immune system to a normally harmless substance. Such allergies can be the cause of great discomfort and mimic many other diseases. In the allergic animal, the allergic substance is recognized as a threat to the body. This can affect all systems of the body and manifest in respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, circulatory issues, gastro-intestinal problems, skin diseases, itchiness, arthritis, behavioral disorders, etc.
Nutritional Counseling
Nutrition is one of the most powerful healing tools available.
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine shall be thy food.”
Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 BC
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Yin-Yang: The Yin-Yang theory maintains that everything is essentially composed of two opposing, yet complimentary pairs of opposites. Yin & Yang co-exist in a constant and dynamic state in which one rises while the other declines. They are not fixed. When you consider the traditional Tai Ji symbol of Yin & Yang, Yin is black and Yang is white. They are constantly turning into each other. This is the balance of life. Yin is dark, cold, and sinking. Yang is light, warm, and rising.
Qi: Qi gives life to the world. Qi is basically “energy,” for lack of a better translation to western thought. Qi is the physiological activity of each Zang-Fu Organ. Qi moves the blood and the blood carries Qi.